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Writer's pictureOutward Bound Hong Kong

【The Resilient Diary - Day 7】A Day on the Spirit - A Dramatic Day

Written by Zoe on 25 March

Hey! Hiiii everyone, this is Zoe, finally is my turn to write the diary. First of all, I am sorry that we encountered some cute lightenings and thunder last night. Therefore, we had a late update yesterday.

Let me share the schedule of the day on the Spirit with you (btw I was mother watch yesterday, so I was rewarded with a night of 12 hours of sleep yay)

0830 - Woke up + brushed teeth with 75 degrees inclined

0900 - Vlogged some footage 0910 - Got change+ be ready on deck 0915 to 0930 - Slapped by heavy rain & 3 meters waves while getting Yankee 2 down 1000 to1015 - Snorkeling under sails for seconds when waves flushed on deck 1030 - Rescued Michelle from her very protective life jacket (whose lifejacket inflated on deck because it was so wet) 1040 to 1045 - Crawled to the back of the boat with waves slapped on the face AGAIN. We took a water break + squeezed the water out of soaking socks 1115 - Unclipped and tidied up Yankee 2 sail 1140 - Put Yankee 2 back to sail locker quietly to prevent it from smashing Amelia’s door, shhhhhhhhh 1200 - Hoisted Yankee 3 with a unique crawling technique 1230 - Snack Party with soaking Pringles in sour cream flavor 1400 - OFF WATCH 1430 - Enjoyed Lunch prepared by Jemmama and Cinderida





At night we encountered our first night without breeze and starry sky, but 5 meters-thick black clouds and lightenings with thunders. However, the "Let's get wet party" increases everyone’s adrenaline level, we did not feel scared, but excited. All of us tried our best to fight the smashing waves, we were all safe and everything is under control. No worries guys!

“My favorite color is blue, neither the blue color of the sky nor the blue color of the sea, it is the color after waves hitting the boat, the icy blue color on the top”


Location update on 25 March

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