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Writer's pictureOutward Bound Hong Kong

【The Resilient Diary - Day 14】Almost There to Osaka

Written by Michelle on 2 April

1800 - (31st March) One thing that has to be mentioned is that we saw a BIRD (yeah like we haven’t seen a bird in our life) resting at the front of The Spirit for more than ten minutes last day.

Sadly it did not abide by The Spirit safety rules and it was not clipped on. Yet, it still managed to stand as if it was on land, enjoying the water splashing onto its wings. Not until we hoisted the staysail did it leave us forever bye bird.

2200-0200 - Despite freezing cold during the night, we enjoyed ourselves so much last night when the moon shined on our boat. Right before we changed with our next watch, thanks to the wind, we needed to do our last reefing before getting ready to sleep.

0600-1000 - We could finally dry some of our wet clothing as the sun was quite shiny today and nearly melted us in the kitchen. We all felt recharged by the sun just like we have solar panels on our skin. So, what’s our plan after getting recharged? April Fools Day!! Yes, that’s the idea we came up with last night shining under the moon when we got bored and freezing cold. So, our next watch was asked to hoist the Yankee No1 (when they were so tired and hungry, sorry mates). Hahahahahahaha, April Fools, we didn’t need the Yankee No1.

1400 - To celebrate the happiness approaching our destination as well as to finish all snacks we bring to The Spirit, we brought all our snacks to the deck, having a snack party! Lemon cracker with lemon juice and honey-dried apple with chili sauce, chocolate biscuit with sour cream… Now you know how well our meal and chefs are on The Spirit.

1800 - We were approaching Kochi (who knows what island it is?) by the time when I was writing the blog, which means… we were coming to OSAKA!! For God’s sake we did not hit the land by dropping the Yankee sail (just kidding) when more fishing boats were appearing on the electronic map, it indicated that more Japanese are welcoming us. So, we had to be careful by making sure we didn’t get in the way. (Who knows whose table the sashimi on the fishing boat next to us will go to?) I will ruin someone’s sashimi experience if we got too close.

Wait for our arrival!

Location Update on 2 April

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